Diagnostic Testing
At Body Brilliant we offer an extensive range of bespoke tests that include blood work, stool testing, DNA assessments and more. Specialised labs from around the world are utilised to ensure the most comprehensive information is gathered to maximise the effectiveness of the recommendations given.
A consultation, once all results are back and reviewed will include a full explanation of all findings and recommendations given, as required. Also, a nutrition and supplementation plan, bespoke IV prescription, as well as exercise and activity advice, will be designed with the client to optimise all aspects of health and vitality.
Cain Leathem
Functional Medicine Specialist
Dr Mark Jinks
GP and Sports Doctor
A wide range of testing is available through highly respected labs such as The Doctors Laboratory in London, Blue Horizons, York Test, Nordic Labs, Genova, Lifecode GX and others. We can build a bespoke profile for you that may include:
Blood Cholesterol (the all-important HDL/LDL ratio, not just a total figure)
Blood Glucose and HbA1c (Type II Diabetes Risk)
Full Biochemistry Profile that includes Liver Enzymes, Electrolyte levels, Iron Status, Red and White Blood Cell count, Triglycerides, Iron and Ferritin status and more
Cardiovascular Disease Development Risk Assessment, Female/Male Hormone Panel (Body Brilliant has designed and developed extended profiles with certain labs that give answers where more basic tests cannot)
Thyroid/Adrenal Function Tests (TSH, T4, Free T3, Thyroid anti-bodies and DHEA/Cortisol etc.)
Immune/Viral Assessment Profiles
Vitamin/Mineral/Essential Fats/Toxin level status
Allergy/Intolerance Screening (IgE, IgG etc.).
Upon completion of the tests, participants are given a comprehensive report of the results and key recommendations towards making the appropriate healthy lifestyle choices that are individually tailored to each client to facilitate the achievement of this optimal health goal. All results are kept in the strictest confidence.
Some specific tests that give a great insight into health include:
Designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample (the kit and detailed instructions are supplied, with test sample to be done at home and collected via DHL courier), with particular attention to microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance and may contribute to disruptions and issues in the gastrointestinal (GI) flora or an illness. The panel is a comprehensive collection of microbial targets as well as immune and digestive markers (including pancreatic function). It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses and parasites. It primarily uses multiplex, automated, DNA analysis to give integrative and functional medicine practitioners a better view into the gastrointestinal microbiome. Zonulin has been identified as a key biomarker for intestinal permeability, which has been associated with food/drink intolerances, coeliac disease, non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) and other GI and systemic conditions. This test really can be a life saver.
Haematology: Full Blood Count - 15 biomarkers and HbA1C, Kidney Function: Sodium, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Liver Function: Alanine Transferase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Gamma GT, Bilirubin, Albumin, Total Protein, Globulin, Lipids: Cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides, LDL, Chol : HDL ratio,
Thyroid Function: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Total T4, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Thyroglobulin Antibodies, Bone Health: Calcium, Corrected Calcium, Uric Acid, Iron Studies: Iron, Ferritin, Transferrin Saturation, TIBC, Inflammation: High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein, Nutritional: Vitamin D, Active Vitamin B12, Folate and Magnesium, Male Hormone Tests: Testosterone, SHBG, Free Androgen Index and Cortisol, PSA: a biomarker for Prostate Cancer. -
Haematology: Full Blood Count - 15 biomarkers and HbA1C, Kidney Function: Sodium, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Liver Function: Alanine Transferase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Gamma GT, Bilirubin, Albumin, Total Protein, Globulin, Lipids: Cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides, LDL, Chol : HDL ratio.
Thyroid Function: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Total T4, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Thyroglobulin Antibodies, Nutritional: Vitamin D, Active Vitamin B12, Folate and Magnesium, Iron Studies: Iron, Ferritin, Transferrin Saturation, TIBC, Bone Health: Calcium, Corrected Calcium, Uric Acid.
Inflammation: High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein, Female Hormone Markers: Luteinising Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Oestradiol, Additional Test Markers: Creatine Kinase, Cortisol and CA-125 (Biomarker for ovarian cancer). -
A home test kit via urine and saliva with a courier collection from your home/workplace. The DUTCH Plus takes comprehensive hormone testing to a whole new level. In addition to sex hormones and their metabolites, as well as brain neurotransmitters the test also looks at the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, and the total and distribution of cortisol metabolites. The DUTCH Plus adds the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) to bring another important piece of the HPA axis into focus.
A low or blunted Cortisol Awakening Response can be a result of an under-active HPA axis, excessive psychological burnout, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sleep apnea or poor sleep in general, PTSD, chronic fatigue and/or chronic pain. A decreased CAR has also been associated with systemic hypertension, functional GI diseases, postpartum depression, and autoimmune diseases.
An elevated Cortisol Awakening Response can be a result of an over-reactive HPA axis, ongoing job-related stress (anticipatory stress for the day), glycaemic dysregulation, pain (i.e. waking with painful joints or a migraine), and general depression. This measurement of the response to waking has independent clinical value showing dysfunction that may be hidden by current testing options.
Women: Millions of women suffer from hormonal imbalances. Identifying the root cause of chronic health issues is certainly correctable, but only if properly identified. The dried urine collection process is great for baseline measurements of women with hormonal imbalances and for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) monitoring. Several of the metabolites that are measured can potentially impact us in a negative way but having the data means the correct protocols can be applied to help keep you optimally healthy.
Men: Over time, men experience a gradual loss of their hormones that are produced in the gonads and adrenal glands. Testosterone and DHEA levels fall and oestrogen levels (E1, E2, E3 and metabolites are all measured) tend to rise. Many men feel like this is part of getting older and do not think there is treatment to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. The DUTCH test was created to provide insight, in one easy to administer test.
DNA tests that focus on Health, Nutrition, Exercise and Fitness, Mind, Methylation and more. They are designed to give us an insight into your individual genetic make-up and how to optimise well-being and health by personalising lifestyle and diet choices and, where necessary, using supplements tailored to offset any particular nutritional deficit based on specific gene variants.
One of our the most popular tests and assists the healthcare practitioner in establishing the optimal nutrition necessary for good health, longevity and disease risk mitigation. Diet is a key factor in determining genomic stability as it impacts on all relevant pathways: exposure to dietary carcinogens, biotransformation, DNA repair and synthesis, and apoptosis. Current recommended dietary allowances for vitamins and minerals are based largely on the prevention of diseases of deficiency. However, because diseases of lifestyle are partly caused by damage to DNA it stands to reason that we should focus our attention on defining optimal requirements of key minerals and vitamins for preventing genomic instability.
These state-of-the-art tests highlight specific metabolic pathways that may require extra support and provide recommendations that involve optimisation of quantities of certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
is a unique combination of nutritional tests that provides an analysis of key nutritional biomarkers. Metabolomix + nutritional test is a non-invasive (via urine although some of the ‘add-ons’ do require a small blood spot sample), patient-friendly way to assess the functional need for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, digestive support, amino acids urine elements (as an add-on) and fatty acids (as an add-on).
The test covers:
Organic Acids
Malabsorption and Dysbiosis
Cellular Energy and Mitochondrial Metabolites
Neurotransmitter Metabolites
Vitamin Markers
Toxin and Detoxification Markers
Tyrosine Metabolism
Oxalate Markers
Amino Acids
Nutritionally Essential Amino Acids
Non-essential Protein Amino Acids
Intermediary Metabolites
Dietary Peptide Related Markers
Oxidative Stress Markers
Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids – Bloodspot (if selected as add-on profile)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Omega 6 Fatty Acids, Omega 9 Fatty Acids, Saturated Fatty Acids, Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, Delta-6 Desaturase Activity, Cardiovascular Risk
Nutrient and Toxic Elements (if selected as add-on profile)
The information gained will mean that we can really zero in on any specific issues and the protocols employed will give a very unique and bespoke plan of action to maximise your health.
A simple and easy at-home bloodspot and saliva test that assesses many parameters than may cause an issue with fertility.
Hormone-related causes of female infertility most often involve the following five scenarios:
Ovarian Insufficiency
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Hypometabolism/Thyroid Deficiency
The markers tested are:
Oestradiol (E2)
Progesterone (Pg)
Testosterone (T)
Diurnal cortisol (C) sampled four times during a day (via saliva)
Thyroid hormones (TSH, Free T3, free T4, and TPO antibodies)
The wonder of bringing children into this world is optimised by first improving our own health.
Total Thyroxine (T4) and Free Thyroxine (FT4), Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO antibodies) and Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TG antibodies) AND Vitamin D, Active Vitamin B12, Folate, Ferritin and CRP. It also checks Serum Cortisol and Serum Magnesium as it is widely reported that high cortisol levels can affect thyroid function, and vice versa. Magnesium has a particularly important role in the conversion of FT4 to FT3.
We have worked with the prestigious Doctors Lab in London and have designed a comprehensive test that looks at many markers that are often not assessed. Male hormone decline, sometimes referred to as andropause, may have several factors casing the issues. By assessing added markers such as oestradiol (E2), DHT, cortisol, DHEA and more we build a detailed and comprehensive picture that he can then best advise on. This test does require venepuncture, and we can also help to arrange that for you as is convenient.
A simple yet comprehensive at home, finger prick test to assess over 200 food and drink ingredients that you may have negative reactions to. Simply take a finger-prick blood sample and return by pre-paid post and receive your results within 7 days. We will then work with that information to optimise your nutrition and lifestyle with his support, knowing which foods/drinks that you are reacting to. Protocols can also be given to improve overall gut health.
All four subtypes of food/drink-specific IgG (1-4) are tested compared to some other tests that only look for IgG4. This is important as it ensures all of the different food-specific IgG reactions are detected.
Your gut is home to 70% of your immune system and controls optimal delivery of nutrients to your bloodstream and protects us from unwanted toxins and more. You can support your gut health by reducing your ‘immune load’ and removing ingredients from your diet that may be causing it to overwork and could be triggering unwanted symptoms and health issues.
A simple at-home Vitamin D Test that determines your current vitamin D levels (both D3 and D2). The kit is a finger prick, blood spot test and the report gives easy to understand reference ranges based on optimal levels for best health outcomes. Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins of all, with wide-ranging functions across the body – including bone formation, muscle function, mood, hormone regulation, and immune support. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an array of health problems and deficiencies and sub-optimal levels (including the reference ranges given by the NHS) are common. Individual recommendations will be given on protocols and dosage according to the results.