The Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system may be the most underrated system of the human body!
It consists of an extensive network of vessels, nodes, and ducts that pass through almost all bodily tissues. It allows the circulation of a fluid called lymph through the body in a similar way to blood. The lymphatic system is essential for fluid balance, absorption of fatty acids in the stomach, and immune system regulation. It transports oxygen, hormones and nutrients to different parts of the body and removes metabolic waste from the cells. There are 500-600 lymph nodes throughout the body. These nodes swell in response to infection due to a build-up of lymph fluid, bacteria, or other organisms and immune system cells. We say that’s pretty amazing for a system that is really small, sometimes even microscopic!
Works as a drainage system across the whole body in order to remove excess fluid and toxins. If the excess fluid is not removed, then toxins begin to build up causing swelling in the body.
Has hundreds of lymph nodes which act as filters for the removal of toxins.
Houses white blood cells in the lymph nodes which are the body’s defenders against bacteria and viruses.
Delivers fats in the form of triglycerides to be used for energy in between meals. When the lymphatic system is not functioning correctly, the first sign is fatigue.
Undigested proteins and fats that are not absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines are processed by the lymphatic system. Fats are mainly divided into two groups, short chain and long chain fatty acids. Short chain fatty acids are absorbed by the liver while long chain fatty acids are absorbed by the lymphatic system. A sluggish lymphatic system will result in impaired fat absorption leading to accumulated and deposition of fats onto tissues and fat cells resulting in weight gain.
Astonishingly, the lymphatic system drains an average of 3 pounds of plaque and toxins from the brain each year. Removing this plaque and toxins may aid cognitive function as well as possibly improve psychological response.
Works via muscular contractions or exercise. A lack of exercise can congest the lymph channels which drain the brain and body while you sleep.
How Do I Know if my Lymphatic System is Sluggish?
There are several tell-tale signs that lymphatic fluid is not moving effectively and that toxins are building up in your body.
1. Bloating
2. Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
3. Brain fog
4. Digestive issues
5. Parasites
6. Depression
7. Sinus infections
8. Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
9. Enlarged lymph nodes
10. Chronic fatigue
11. Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
12. Unexplained injuries
13. Excess weight
14. Cold hands and feet
15. Constipation
16. Worsened allergies
17. Food sensitivities
18. Increased colds and flu